Please note this important information about the structure of our courses:


  • Immediate access to pre-recorded learning modules & resources for ONE YEAR from date of purchase (increased from 120 days)
  • Complimentary access to 1 x 60 Minute Zoom Q&A Session with Kim & Team as outlined below
  • 100% completion of course content + participation or viewing of Q&A session required for certificate
  • Ability to attend subsequent future Q&As on this topic for a small additional fee to continue to engage with Kim & Team
  • Financial support and group discounts are available via application links below


  • 10.5 Total Hours (including Q&A).

    This course is a regularly-delivered series available for ongoing enrolment. Upon registration here, participants receive immediate access to the pre-recorded learning modules, handouts and resources. Access to this content expires in one year from the date that you purchase your registration.

    In addition to the immediately available pre-recorded content, this course includes one complimentary live on Zoom 60-minute Q&A session with Kim & the Relationship Matters Team. The event calendar date currently displayed reflects the date of the next upcoming Q&A session. You will be automatically assigned the next upcoming Q&A date for your complimentary session, based on the date of your registration.

    These Q&A sessions are scheduled to take place approximately every 6-8 months, with the recording of this session made available. Course certificates are available upon request in the form provided in the course after the live Q&A session has taken place – live participation or viewing of the Q&A recording is required for your certificate (if this is an issue for you due to funding or other deadlines, please contact us here to discuss options). Registrants are encouraged to submit questions in advance and ask them live. Even if registrants are unable to make the Q&A date and time, they will still be able to see the Q&A’s recording. Upon completion of the pre-recorded lessons as well as their complimentary Q&A, registrants then meet the prerequisite of attending any future Q&A for a small fee ($30 CDN) should they wish to further engage with Kim & the team or have new questions on this topic.

    As always, financial support and group discounts are available. Please find links to apply for these below.

    If you have any questions about our courses, please contact our team here.

    We look forward to supporting you in your learning journey.

  • Course Content

    Kim’s 9.5 hours of recorded videos consist of seven sessions that average just over 80 minutes each. Participants will have repeated access via live streaming for 365 days from the date they register. Additionally, there will be a live, online and interactive Q&A for 60 minutes held on January 5, 2026 at 4:00 pm Pacific Time.

    Living with trauma is a universal experience. Talking about mental health and emotional pain used to be taboo – but no longer. Thankfully and appropriately, trauma-sensitive practice is becoming an increasingly common topic within forward-thinking organizations world-wide. This is essential if we want the individual people, we serve to be receiving the most effective levels of support needed for them to thrive.

    An individual’s experience of their life’s trauma impacts every area of human functioning: physical, mental, behavioural, social, and spiritual. Circumstances such as violence, abuse, neglect, addiction, loss, racism and exclusion are examples of what can dramatically affect a child’s development and it can significantly impede their capacity to function throughout their lifespan. But the understanding of “trauma” is frequently misinterpreted, misunderstood and minimized - leaving people responding repeatedly from wounded places, without awareness. When combined with developmental disability or substance abuse, the challenges for individuals living with trauma are compounded enormously.

    As professionals, we are most effective at supporting others when we understand how personal trauma experiences influence overall function and healing processes. Whether we work in the fields of therapy, education, social work, child protection or business, and whether we are counselors, police officers or foster parents, this mental health workshop will help us develop new skills in working mindfully and effectively with other people. The upside is that we’re highly likely to understand ourselves more too.

  • Recordings will be accessible to each participant for 365 days
  • Each participant will be able to join one live online Q&A, and the next one for TSP will be on January 5, 2026 at 4:00 pm Pacific Time
  • The recording of the Q&A will also be accessible for 365 days

    Titles of the Seven Sessions:
    1. The Impact of Trauma on Development
    2. Arousal as a Foundation for Behaviour, Learning and Function
    3. The Stress-Trauma Continuum and Regulation
    4. Attachment
    5. Trauma-Sensitive Practice in Action (Part 1)
    6. Trauma-Sensitive Practice in Action (Part 2)
    7. The Only Person You Can Change is Yourself

    Any questions? Please reach out to [email protected]

  • Course Objectives

    Participants will be able to:

    • Gain an appreciation for the deep impact that trauma has on brain development, relational skills, coping strategies and behaviour

    • Identify the red flags in behaviour that are suggestive of relational trauma, and the complexities when coupled with developmental disability

    • Appreciate the value of attunement and “holding space” as a force for regulation, healthy brain rewiring, reflection, self-esteem, and learning

    • Develop practical scripts and skills related to compassionate communication

    • Learn how to support others with trauma in any setting

    • Understand how, as one person supporting another, your awareness and mindfulness can open the door for improved connection with people who live with these challenges, and in doing so, increase the sustainability of your practice

    Financial Support & Group Discounts

    Discounts are available in accordance with Relationship Matters’ group rates, and considering the economies of different countries (Countries at Category B @ 50% off, Category C @ 55% off, Category D @ 60% off). Financial assistance is also possible for individual registrants from Category A countries @ 25% off when truly needed. See forms below for details.


      Group discounts are available (not to be combined with scholarships) for groups of 3-5 @ 15% off, groups of 6-19 at 25% off and groups of 20+ @ 40% off.

      TO APPLY FOR THE GROUP DISCOUNT, please submit the application form: Group Discount Application Form


      Some financial support available (upon request) from people in developing countries (Countries at Category B @ 50% off, Category C @ 55% off, Category D @ 60% off). Financial assistance is also possible for individual registrants from Category A countries @ 25% off when truly needed.

      TO APPLY FOR THE SCHOLARSHIP, please submit the application form: Financial Assistance Application Form